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A Best-in Care at one place

Centers of Excellence


is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on diagnosing, treating, and preventing disorders of the...

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General Medicine

A general physician is a medical doctor who provides comprehensive primary healthcare......

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Cardiology is a medical specialty focused on the diagnosis and treatment of heart disorders....

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Pulmonology is a medical specialty focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases......

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Urology is a medical specialty focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract......

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Gynaecology is a medical specialty focused on the female reproductive system,providing diagnosis.....

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ENT is a medical specialty focused on the ear, throat, nose, providing diagnosis.....

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General Surgery

General Surgery is a medical specialty focused on the abdominal organs, include stomach, small intestine, .....

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Critical Care

Critical care involves specialized medical care for patients with life-threatening conditions......

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Laser Surgery

Laser surgery involves the use of focused laser beams to perform precise surgical procedures with.....

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Laser Proctology

Laser Proctology is a medical specialty focused on hemorrhoids, anal fissures, providing diagnosis.....

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Physiotherapy is a medical specialty focused on the restoring movement and function to individuals .....

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Nutrition counseling involves assessing an individual's dietary habits and providing personalized......

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Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a medical specialty focused on reconstructive and aesthetic procedures to enhance......

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Neurosciences is a specialized field of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and management......

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Diabetology is a specialized field of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and management ......

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